Thesis Defense Oral Examination



Application process

1. Online application:Path【→student information system→applications→Application for Thesis Defense Oral Examination】


(1) CMU Graduate Student Academic Ethics Statement with the signature of your advisor.【Links→Download forms】
(2) Originality Comparison of Research Paper.—(turnitin)
(3) Adviser recommendation.


→Print:Application form—Please checked your personal Information. (e.g. Name、degree…)

2. Paper forms: Please fill out forms. 

(1) CMU Graduate Student Academic Ethics Statement with the signature of your advisor.
(2) Adviser recommendation & documents must be prepared in department (e.g. transcript).

Please bring the application documents to department personnel after obtaining advisor signature. 
Review: Head of the Department→ Dean of the College→ Dean of Graduate Student Affairs
*All finished→Thesis Defense

3. Notice:

(1)Application of Thesis Defense received after the deadline will not be considered.
(2)Students should not hold examination without review of Graduate Student Affairs. Results will not be recognized if someone skipped the review.



Major sections of the manuscripts shall be placed in the order listed as follows:

1.封面含書背 Front Cover

2.空白頁 Blank Page

3.書名頁(中文)* Thesis Title Page(Chinese)(Optional)*

4.書名頁(英文) Thesis Title Page (English)

5.審定書Verification Form of the Oral Examination Committee

6.研究生無違反學術倫理聲明書(本校) CMU Graduate Student Academic Ethics Statement

7.誌謝辭* Dedication or Acknowledgments (Optional)*

8.摘要(中文)* Chinese Abstract*

9.摘要(英文) English Abstract

10.目次 List of Contents

11.圖表目次 List of Figures/Tables

12.正文 Body of The Thesis 

13.參考書目 Bibliographies/References 

  (1)Books (2)Journal Articles (3)Electronic Resources (4)Others

*:非必備之項目 Optional



Thesis format (for your reference)

CMU Electronic Theses & Dissertations System